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Sustainability Trailblazer: PARKROYAL COLLECTION Marina Bay, Singapore Wins Second Award in 2024



The International Sustainability Awards proudly honors PARKROYAL COLLECTION Marina Bay, Singapore for complex sustainability initiatives, including the holistic approach towards sustainability and Rooftop Urban Farm to support food supply resilience in 2024. The recognition applauds the hotel’s multifaceted approach towards sustainability, particularly highlighting its holistic strategies and the groundbreaking Rooftop Urban Farm, which bolsters food supply stability.


PARKROYAL COLLECTION Marina Bay, Singapore is situated in the lively hub of Singapore’s central business district and Marina Bay, has redefined the emergence of sustainability and luxury. The hotel’s dedication to environmental responsibility and green innovations sets a new standard in the hospitality sector, earning it widespread acclaim and admiration.


At the core of PARKROYAL’s sustainability ethos lies a holistic approach that integrates eco-friendly practices across its operations. From energy and water conservation to waste management and carbon emission reduction, the hotel demonstrates a comprehensive commitment to minimizing its ecological footprint while delivering exceptional guest experiences.


A standout feature of the hotel’s sustainability initiatives is its Rooftop Urban Farm, a pioneering endeavor spanning 150 square meters and boasting over 60 varieties of fruits, vegetables, herbs, and edible flowers. The farm exemplifies the hotel’s farm-to-table, farm-to-bar, and farm-to-spa concepts. By reducing reliance on external food sources and embracing local, sustainable agriculture, PARKROYAL COLLECTION Marina Bay, Singapore sets a remarkable example for the industry.


“We are thrilled to receive this recognition from the International Sustainability Awards,” said the general manager, Phil Smith. “Our holistic approach to sustainability and innovative initiatives, such as the Rooftop Urban Farm, reflect our uncompromising commitment to environmental stewardship. This award reaffirms our dedication to creating a more sustainable future and inspires us to continue leading the way in eco-friendly hospitality.”


PARKROYAL COLLECTION Marina Bay, Singapore’s accolade from the International Sustainability Awards accentuates its leadership and dedication to creating a more sustainable future. As the hotel continues to pave the way for eco-friendly hospitality, it sets a shining example for others to follow.


For more information about PARKROYAL COLLECTION Marina Bay, Singapore, and its sustainability initiatives, visit https://www.panpacific.com/en/hotels-and-resorts/pr-collection-marina-bay.html

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