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Littlemore Interior Design Masters Beautiful , Bespoke Designs

“We design for people. We design for your joy of mind.” littleMORE redefines spaces by fully understanding its client’s daily routines and spatial needs. Founded in 2008 by Ada Wong & Eric Liu, the firm has expertise in architectural space planning and interior design. The successful company has won a Luxury Lifestyle Awards in 2022, for Best Luxury Apartment Interior Design for Bellagio in Hong Kong.

littleMORE has a team of dedicated, committed, and motivated individuals, passionate about their work. They are a team of professional and experienced interior designers, architects, and project managers that continuously combine their skills and work in harmony to ensure projects succeed.

littleMORE specializes in project management from the big-picture concept to the finest detail-design entities in a broad spectrum of environments, including hospitalities, F&Bs, residences, offices, and retail outlets. The firm provides professional, proficient, and provident solutions, including interior space planning, furniture, lighting, and decoration design services, to its clients. littleMORE achieves this goal by understanding, just as much as its clients’ do, the significance of communication, cost, and time effectiveness, not only during the design but also throughout the construction process.

The company aims to create the optimum individual environment for each client, by manipulating the fundamental qualities of space, proportion, light, color, texture, and materials, and every project will come with a different spatial quality, given the client’s personalized living pattern.

The company’s winning project, Bellagio, is located in Hong Kong and was designed to “bring New York loft-style into a warm and comfy nest”. With an area of 755 sq ft. Net, this spacious apartment is ideal for 2 people.

littleMORE believes that “home is a place where your soul feels peace, and the people inside make your life complete.” What the homeowners wish for is not only a fresh makeover of the abode but also a cozy nest that allows intimate interaction between them. The team has taken great care to focus on color, materials, and lighting, as they know that the little details make the difference.

Passionate about sustainability and preserving the environment, the firm has put effort and energy into using sustainable methods and materials throughout its project.

We want to thank the incredible team at Luxury Lifestyle Awards, this is such a great achievement for us. We are grateful for our hard-working team and our wonderful clients for making our work easy and enjoyable”, say Ada Wong & Eric Liu.

Visit https://littlemoredesign.net to learn more about this victorious company and its work.

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