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Exclusive Interview with Byron Thomas, CEO of Byron Thomas Properties



In the competitive landscape of real estate, standing out requires more than just industry expertise—it demands innovation, dedication, and commitment. Byron Thomas, CEO of Byron Thomas Properties, has embodied these qualities throughout his career, leading his company to the forefront of South Africa’s luxury real estate market. Recently honored with a Luxury Lifestyle Award for Best Luxury Boutique Real Estate Agency in South Africa 2024, Byron Thomas has set a new standard for success in the industry.

In this exclusive interview, we delve into the inspiration behind his journey, the strategies that have propelled his company to new heights, and his vision for the future of real estate.

Byron Thomas Properties

Luxury Lifestyle Awards: Congratulations on your Luxury Lifestyle Awards win! How does it feel to be awarded Best Luxury Boutique Real Estate Agency in South Africa, and what does this recognition mean for you and your team?

Byron Thomas: We are honored and humbled by not just this award, but also for the recognition it signifies. Our attention to detail, to our customers’ needs in real estate is intensely personal and is tailored uniquely to each client’s needs. It is entirely intentional that this approach to everything we do is indeed a boutique service. Even though we as a team and as a business are dynamically growing, we strive ceaselessly to keep individual, winning service standards. That is why receiving this particular award is so rewarding to us, and it drives our team to continue to build, combining the latest trend analysis, backed by the most modern AI systems, with the proudly old-fashioned concept of personal service and delivery.


LLA: What inspired you to start Byron Thomas Properties, and how did your previous experiences shape your vision for the company?

BT: More than two decades of experience in business, first in stockbroking in London and since 2003 in real estate, made me recognize that new strategies were needed to constantly adapt and succeed in the changing world. I was a top, award-winning agent in five of the leading property agencies in the UK and South Africa, but realized I needed to become a leader of my own operation to fully become an agent of disruption for the good. The COVID-19 pandemic outbreak was the final trigger that caused me to open Byron Thomas Properties. To step out on your own is frightening. It requires courage and moral strength. But I believe I and my team are in a better position to help our clients now than ever before.

Byron Thomas Properties

LLA: Can you describe the unique strategy you developed for Byron Thomas Properties that sets you apart from other real estate agencies?

BT: We believe that what sets us apart, particularly from the big, anonymous agencies, is the perhaps unique mix of personal attention to our client’s needs at a bespoke and traditional level, whilst utilizing modern back office systems and innovative thinking. We increasingly bring in AI – but use this technological process as a background tool rather than a driving force, ensuring the client receives a one-on-one boutique level of dedicated service and advice.


LLA: How do you maintain a client-centric approach in a market that is constantly evolving?

BT: I believe it’s important to recognize that though the market is constantly evolving, the customer and his or her needs do not change. So whilst we use technology and methodology to constantly stay ahead of trends, the principles of how we treat our customers do not. In all our interactions with our clients, we aspire to be a solid lighthouse in stormy seas. We wish simply to be a bright beacon that guides our customers through the ever-changing landscape with our work ethic, dedication, and experience. Our aim is to put the customer in control of his or her journey with us, every step of the way.

Byron Thomas Properties

LLA: How has the real estate market in South Africa changed since you started, and what trends do you foresee shaping the future?

BT: The arrival of the internet, and the proliferation of property websites and social media-based advertising, has enabled phenomenally wider access to information on real estate. But not to a better quality of information. We believe our future at Byron Thomas Properties is to remove the clutter, to enable our customers to more clearly understand – and benefit – from real estate. We do this by not trying to reach the maximum number of customers in a mass market style, but rather by spending time on delivering on the specific requirements of the individual customer – by sitting down and having meaningful conversations, listening, and offering advice.


LLA: Can you share a memorable success story or a standout moment from your career at Byron Thomas Properties?

BT: COVID-19 wrecked many businesses. One family came to us at the height of the pandemic. Their business income had dropped to a fraction of its previous level. They were deeply in debt. They approached us to sell their large home. We worked with them, and in repeated personal meetings persuaded them not to act in desperation. We are proud that not only did we find them a buyer – by working the phones, but also by a whole series of cold calls. We also found them a new, less expensive but extremely valuable home, in a transaction that not only cleared their debts but enabled the family to live comfortably and happily. I am humbled by their tears of happiness, and proud we could make a difference.

Byron Thomas Properties

LLA: What role does community involvement play in the mission of Byron Thomas Properties, and how do you support local causes?

BT: We are involved in a variety of initiatives. They largely encompass the sponsorship of different schools and related events, supporting local small businesses in different ways, and we also make varied donations to charities, such as Children’s Homes and Animal Shelters.

LLA: Looking ahead, what are your goals for the future of Byron Thomas Properties, and how do you plan to achieve them?

BT: In terms of specifics, Byron Thomas Properties is now expanding into commercial real estate, and we are proud that we are now listing the first of what I predict will be a series of prestige farms. We are developing and nurturing a new generation of agents too, so much so that our relatively new Johannesburg headquarters is bursting at the seams! My goals at the agency are constant – that we will continue to welcome change no matter how turbulent, and that we will keep on pushing the boundaries of how technology can assist our operations. But first and foremost, our personal attention and focus on what’s best for the customer will never change.


Thank you, Byron!

Byron Thomas’s insights reveal the passion and strategic thinking that have driven Byron Thomas Properties to achieve such remarkable success. From innovative approaches to client service to a deep-seated commitment to community engagement, Byron’s leadership exemplifies the qualities that earned his agency the title of Best Luxury Boutique Real Estate Agency in South Africa for 2024.

As we look to the future, it’s clear that Byron Thomas Properties will continue to set new benchmarks in the luxury real estate market, guided by the same principles of excellence and integrity that have defined their journey so far.

Check out https://www.byronthomasproperties.co.za/ to learn more about the agency.

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