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Original Beer Spa




Experience an award-winning Original Beer Spa concept with excellent service and treatments based on the exclusive use of natural ingredients, materials and old medical procedures.

On your visit you can:

  • try 2 rooms – the Beer Spa and Czech BeerLand® with hop sauna
  • relax in original, handmade, oak tubs
  • draw and drink an unlimited amount of light and dark Krušovice® beer
  • try the unique hop sauna
  • rest in a genuine wheat straw bed
  • enjoy fresh home-made beer bread

Try an original relaxation spa procedure based on the exclusive use of natural ingredients, materials, and classic Czech medical treatments. 

The actual procedure consists of:

  • beer spa
  • unlimited consumption of light and dark Krušovice ® beer
  • relaxation in a genuine wheat straw bed by a warm fireplace
  • consumption of home-made beer bread
  • hop sauna in and original barrel-shaped – room “Czech Beerland®”
  • cooling using traditional oak buckets – room “Czech Beerland®”

Description of the BEER SPA procedure:

BEER SPA – bathe in hand-made, thousand-litre, whirlpool royal oak tubs filled with the natural extracts used to brew Czech Krušovice® beer – selected varieties of hops, brewer’s yeast and malt. The high hop oil content contributes to overall vitality and helps open pores on the skin. The high dose of vitamin B and active enzymes in brewer’s yeast have a salutary effect on skin regeneration. This unique combination of natural ingredients and the magical effect of royal oak, for ages a symbol of longevity and immunity, stimulate metabolism, help remove harmful substances from the body and ease fatigue and stress, thus resulting in ideal mental and physical relaxation. During the beer spa, guests can draw and enjoy an unlimited amount of genuine Czech Krušovice® beer.

Hop Bio Sauna – room “Czech BeerLand®”

Cooling using traditional oak buckets  – room “Czech BeerLand®”

Relaxation on a bed of wheat straw – a twenty-minute whirlpool bath in an oak tub is followed by a rest of the same length on a bed of wheat straw to promote the absorption of all the vitamins and extracts from the bath. While relaxing by a warm fireplace, guests can enjoy fresh home-made beer bread.

During the treatment (1 hour), you will have the full beer spa to yourself, including unlimited amounts of light and dark Krušovice® beer

2 locations in Prague:

  • street Žitná 9, Prague 1, 400 meters from Wenceslaus Square and 150 meters from Charles Square.
  • street Rybná 3, Prague 1,  150 meters from Náměstí Republiky & Palladium, 200 m from Old Town square.
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