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Shenzhen Botemai Decoration Design Co. (BTW DESIGN) Wins Best Luxury Interior Design Studio in Guangdong


When a team of professionals is united by experience, talent, dedication to excellence, and a desire to improve people’s lives through their work, the result will not be long in coming. That’s exactly what happened with Shenzhen Botemai Decoration Design Co. (BTW DESIGN), the company that won this year’s Luxury Lifestyle Awards in the category of Best Luxury Interior Design Studio in Guangdong for its professional performance. Each work of the company is the epitome of striving for perfection and integrity, underpinned by a deep understanding of every aspect of creating comfortable spaces.

Shenzhen Botemai Decoration Design Co. (BTW DESIGN) is an international design organization that was established in 2009 in Hong Kong. The core team of BTW DESIGN consists of experienced designers with years of experience in large global companies.

The studio specializes in providing a full range of services for the implementation of interior design projects. Specialists of Shenzhen Botemai Decoration Design Co. carry out effective project management from the beginning to its completion. They create an original design in full accordance with the client’s requirements, ensure the smooth work of all project participants, procure materials, and make sure that the characteristics of the project meet the requirements of energy conservation and environmental protection.

Design work by BTW DESIGN includes the integration of decorative materials and furniture into the interior design. The studio collaborates with leading furniture and lighting manufacturers to ensure the required quality and character of the interior.

“Winning the Luxury Lifestyle Awards is an important milestone for the entire team of Shenzhen Botemai Decoration Design Co. (BTW DESIGN). Our years of experience and dedicated work are important resources that we put into every project. Satisfied customers and recognition from luxury industry experts always become an important source of inspiration and ideas for new projects,” said the Representative of BTW DESIGN.

The portfolio of Shenzhen Botemai Decoration Design Co. (BTW DESIGN) includes exquisite projects for 5-star hotels, luxury clubs, high-end residential properties, and office buildings. The experience accumulated by the specialists of the studio allows them to demonstrate outstanding results in the areas of architectural design, environmental design, and interior design.


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