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During his illustrious and fast-paced career, Luke Mori has become one of the leading luxury real estate agents in the Nelson, North Shore, and Balfour areas of British Columbia. He was named one of Western Canada’s RE/MAX Top 100 realtors, and in 2021, Luke won Luxury Lifestyle Awards in the category of Best Luxury Real Estate Broker in British Columbia, Canada. We could go on and on listing Luke Mori’s accomplishments, but we’d rather let him answer a few questions about his journey and success in person.
Luxury Lifestyle Awards: Tell us a little about yourself and how your career in luxury real estate began.
Luke Mori: I was born and raised in Nelson BC and I saw an opportunity to make some waves within the luxury market for our area. I spoke to some luxury agents across Canada and the United States and they were very helpful with providing me information and advice on how to dominate the luxury market. That is when the marketing for the high-end homes started and it really turned some heads in the area.
LLA: What attracted you to working in real estate?
LM: I find it very exciting to help people find their dream homes. I understand how important this decision is, and I take my job very seriously. Getting the best result for each client is as challenging as it is satisfying.
LLA: Why did you decide to concentrate your business on Nelson?
LM: Even though Nelson is my hometown, I was provided the opportunity to develop my career in a big city like Vancouver and Kelowna. However, I saw great opportunities in Nelson, gave it a try, and I’m very glad I made that decision. I love my hometown.
LLA: In your opinion, what attracts real estate buyers and investors to Nelson?
LM: Nelson is a very beautiful city that does not lose its charm in any season of the year. There is always something delightful to do and something to please your eyes. Overall, the city offers a wide variety of lifestyle options, and this serves as an important factor in attracting real estate seekers.
LLA: How would you describe the luxury real estate market in British Columbia in terms of trends and prospects?
LM: British Columbia has a very diverse luxury market. There is a large number of vacation, waterfront and custom built homes in all corners of B.C. Some of the larger cities like Vancouver, Whistler, Kelowna and many others have had a large increase in real estate prices and I am finding the sellers of these cities are now looking to move somewhere where quality of lifestyle is more important which has poised Nelson as one of the most desirable cities to live in,
LLA: What helps you boost luxury real estate sales?
LM: There are several tools that, along with classic approaches, allow you to present high-end properties in all their glory. For example, quality aerial video tours for new listings or increased search engines within my website for better promotion of homes to an audience.
LLA: What values are most important in your work?
LM: I strive to be professional every step of the way. By putting honesty and integrity at the core of my interactions with the client, I manage to deliver the highest quality of service.
LLA: What are the most significant milestones of your career?
LM: I am proud that in 2016-2017 my sales surpassed the $25 million mark, placing me on RE/MAX Western Canada’s Top 100 Realtors. Importantly, my real estate sales to date have surpassed the $100 million mark. And, of course, I can’t help but mention last year’s win at the Luxury Lifestyle Awards.
LLA: What were your emotions about winning Luxury Lifestyle Awards?
LM: I was extremely excited, and I still feel very honored about this win. I consider it a significant achievement and recognition of my efforts.
LLA: What advice would you give to aspiring real estate agents?
LM: Look for new approaches, strive to be unique, never give up, and always believe in yourself!