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A first-ever of its kind, the Adly Mansour Transportation Hub in Egypt is an impressive multi-transportation mode hub. This pioneering public service enterprise and concept essentially connects five different travel types into one central area, allowing commuters to easily interchange their transportation requirements. The skilled architect behind this colossal development is Archplan, who has attracted so much international attention from this project that they have received the award for Best Luxury Public Services Architecture for Adly Mansour Transportation Hub in Egypt, 2022, from the internationally renowned Luxury Lifestyle Awards. So we set to find out what it is that makes this development so special, and this is what we discovered.
Archplan were tasked with the architecture of this landmark project back in 2020, where they employed their best minds, talent, and expertise for the assignment. The purpose of this project is to add efficiency to traffic flows as the development of the new administrative capital progresses. The scope of the undertaking was to create a mixed-use transportation centre, bringing together five key public transport systems. These include:
– Intercity Motor Coach
– Intercity passenger rail
– Regional bus and passenger rail
– Local bus, rail transit, and other local-area modes
– Access to shuttle vans and taxis (and often, park & ride facilities for personal motor vehicles)
The Metro Station is now operating, as they continue to complete the full plan.
Zone 1- Intermodal Station: This includes a shared transport hub with a total area space of roughly 20 000 m2, that links the local Metro train stations in a combined area. This setup supports the fluid integrated connection for transferring passengers and features an ultra-modern megastructure. This structure is made up of three sections, harmoniously connected to each other. Archplan has successfully ensured architectural integrity and produced an iconic landmark reflecting the significance of the transportation hub.
The Main Façade building of approximately 280m2 includes a retail space which is made up of a ground-level plus an upper level that includes three retail shops of varying sizes on each floor. It further includes a VIP hall of 152m2.
Zone 2 – Investment Area: This includes an exterior mall on the land adjacent to the Shared transportation station which is approximately 34485 m2 in land size. The mall includes a basement, ground floor, and the 1st floor with a total built-up area of roughly 41000 m2. The mall features retail stores again of different sizes to cater to different market requirements as well as outdoor areas that can be rented for outdoor activities to maximize the financial feasibility. The basement floor is planned to include a car parking lot for 600 cars for mall & hub visitors, ensuring ample access and parking convenience.
Zone 3 – Train Station: The railway station area is approx 7800 m2 including a ground floor, mezzanine level, and one upper floor comprising a 4200m2 built-up space. The train station has a capacity of 600 passengers, featuring two passenger platforms with a dimension of 200 meters in length and 10.95 meters in width.
Zone 4 – Superjet Station: This includes an outdoor parking area on the northern side of AL-Ismailia Road with a total area of approximately 15,000 m2. This area is scheduled to include the following:
– An outdoor parking area for approx 200 cars
– A superjet bus station connecting to Al-Salam regional bus station
– Pedestrian connection tunnels within the hub
Zone 5 – BRT Stop Station: This includes the drop-off/pick-up station for BRT connecting passengers with Cairo International Airport, including a secure passage for passengers from and to the intermodal station.
The team at Archplan, led by Managing Director Dr. Shady El-Zeiny, supported by Architect and Director of Business Development MSC Ahmed Ashour, has excelled in playing a pivotal role in the success of this highly anticipated and award-winning development. In its final stages of completion, the Adly Mansour Transportation Hub stands as a proud reflection of the professionalism and visionary architecture that Archplan is synonymous with.
To get in contact with them for more information on this project, please visit their website at https://archplan-eg.com/.